Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A thought provoking question from 'Sweet T is watching you

This question is taken from with the permission of 'Sweet T is watching you'.

Why do people look down on others that are disabled, blind or deaf? They amaze me with the things they can do.

To me the best answer is from LynfromNM given below:

I think it starts as discomfort that is expressed awkwardly and sometimes cruelly. Many people resent being made to feel uncomfortable and look at the person who has the disability as the cause of that discomfort.

People tend to see differences as disabilities. This is a narrow view, and points out the "disability" of the observer to see a whole person rather than one feature of that person. None of us are defined by just one feature of ourselves. That's why it isn't a gray haired person, but a person who has gray hair. It's not a crippled person, but a person who uses a wheelchair.

I think those who are cruel to people whose differences are obvious are afraid, and their cruelty is a defense mechanism in order to dissociate themselves from anyone who is "different".

My comments to the above answer:

Thank you 'Sweet T is watching you' for a very thought provoking question. I am deeply encouraged by LynfromNM's response to your question. She has given the issue a totally new perspective and I love it. Her psychological intelligence must be very high indeed. With your permission and LynfromNM's,I will post your question and LynfromNM's answer to my blog later. Do I have the permission from the both of you?

Warmest regards, Lee KS of Malaysia.

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